Aug 30th – Sep 6th
ONESEA is a painter who has been a part of many events taking place mainly in Yokohama, that showcase live painting, ever since 2014. With the idea that in the future live painting in clubs will become vital, he has been participating in various events as a guest and adapted his imagery to the event theme in order to entertain the patrons which made him an artist of high entertainment value.
Since 2016 he has been organizing ART WARRIORS (LIVE PAINT BATTLE) in Yokohama’s BAR grass roots at HELLO event and been gathering attention for it.
Wall paints, stamps, design, group exhibitions, goods are just some of the things that fall into the scope of his work.
ONESEA (あーとうぉりあーず)ポースター展示会
2014から横浜を中心に年間50回以上LIVE PAINT活動をし数々のイベントに参加を続けるpainter
将来クラブイベントにLIVE PAINTが無くてはならないものになる為の活動を意識し、イベントのguestやその時々に合わせた絵を描く事によりお客はじめ共演者やオーガナイザーまで満足させエンターテイメント性が高い
2016年から横浜のBAR grass rootsで開催されているHELLOではART WARRIORS(LIVE PAINT BATTLE)を企画し注目を集めている