AUG 1st & 2nd! From 6pm until 11:30pm
What were we even doing 27 years ago? Thanks to you, we turn 27 this year. And with that said and our infinite gratitude we announce our 27th anniversary event.
Last year and before that Tokyo was under the state of emergency if you’ll recall, but with covid still lurking we’ve decided to host it this year. We aren’t planning on making too much fuss about it, but rather spend it nicely and quietly. We plan on having food, drink tickets for beverage orders and lottery so feel free to join us. We’ll be waiting.
期間 2022年8月1日(月)と8月2日(火曜)18時から23時30分
27年前は何をしていましたか。 おかげ様で27周年。皆さんに支えられてここまでやってこれました。そこで感謝の意を込め27周年を開催いたします。