Guy Fawkes is coming back from the dead!
Catch him and send him up in flames!
The night that must not be forgotten – November the 5th – the only Guy Fawkes event in Japan
No, no, It’s not Gay F*cks Night.
“What? In a pub?”, you might wonder. Yes, forcibly indoors.
Let’s drink some delicious beer while listening to live music and having a real experience of british culture. For the Guy!
● You get amazing fireworks
with your FIRST DRINK!
● Special Live Music from 7:30pm
● Special beer on Tap!
Story of Guy Fawkes
In 1605, Guy Fawkes, the leader of the group planning on the assasination of the King James 1st, failed to finalize his plan of planting the bomb under the Parliament House. His plan got revealed and he therefore got caught along with his accomplice. November 5 was the date he and his followers were arrested. On November 5, kids usually make Guy Fawkes Dolls out of old materials to enter the Guy Fawkes Doll contest. The kids will drag the dolls around town to show people while asking for some contribution from passersby. The contribution received is spent on fireworks that are usually displayed that same night.