The state of emergency has been lifted and it’s “Ikinari Aldgate”

We’ll open on May 26th (Tue) at 5pm. And we apologize to have kept you all waiting. Since the long lasting requests for staying home have loosened partly, we will be open from 5pm until 10pm for the time being.

Now, let’s not drink at boring places now that we gave options. And also there is no time for stopping by elsewhere, and it doesn’t have to be near our home areas anymore. If you just dare to come to Shibuya, the Aldgate will be waiting. But no fuss, let’s keep the fuss down to a minimum, drinking in silence and peace. We are prepared with cluster measures in place and will be waiting.



お待たせしました。長かった自粛要請一部解除により、当面の間 17時から22時まで店を開きます。解除後の一発目につまんないとこで吞むなよ。他店に寄ってからでは時間がない。地元ではなくてもていいじゃないか。渋谷まで出てくればオールゲイトが待っている。騒ぐのは禁物だ。そこは抑えよう。静かにビールと音楽を愉しもう。クラスター対策しっかり準備して皆様を迎えます。


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